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作家相片Chen Yun

Lan Bai Xue. 藍白雪。














The little girl looks at the back of Lan Bai Xue in the class.

Lan Bai Xue is the most popular girl in the class. She is not only as beautiful as snow white but also very good in her grades.

The little girl, of course, also liked Lan Bai Xue very much, but Lan Bai Xue's side was always surrounded by many people who like her. So the little girl never had the courage to talk to her.

However, this day is finally coming.

One day at recess time, Lan Bai Xue walked alone from the back of the classroom to her seat. This is the best chance that the little girl could get close to Lan Bai Xue, because she will pass the side of the little girl.

The little girl's heart was beating fast. She fixed her eyes on Lan Bai Xue, and he is waiting for the moment that Lan Bai Xue walked to her.

Finally, at that moment, the girl summoned up her courage to pulled the Lan Bai Xue's skirt.

However, Lan Bai Xue did not find out that the little girl was pulling her skirt and keep go right ahead. Then the Lan Bai Xue's skirt fell down.

Finally, Lan Bai Xue stopped and looked at the girl for the first time, but at the same time, her face was flushed, and tears poured out of the eyes immediately.

The whole classmates laughed loudly.

The little girl dumbfounded and couldn't say a word.

The only thing she can remember was the white leg of Lan Bai Xue, and she knows Lan Bai Xue left her forever.

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