Spring. 春Chen Yun2017年4月1日讀畢需時 1 分鐘是回憶 是花香是蒼黃片片是風聲中搖曳的孤寂 又一年春 It's memory It's fragrance of flowers It's a piece of yellow It's the loneliness in the wind Another year Spring #snapshot #隨手拍 #ChenYunsphoto #鬼扯蛋 #talkingcrap
是回憶 是花香是蒼黃片片是風聲中搖曳的孤寂 又一年春 It's memory It's fragrance of flowers It's a piece of yellow It's the loneliness in the wind Another year Spring #snapshot #隨手拍 #ChenYunsphoto #鬼扯蛋 #talkingcrap
爸爸。Father.平靜的送走了爸爸 了無遺憾的 我以為 爸爸走後第三年 我開始想起爸爸時會流淚 爸爸走後第五年 我第一次站在他的墳前 泣不成聲 我是個如此倔強又如此脆弱又如此悲痛的女兒 原來這就是思念 Quietly bidding farewell to my father,...